Community Partners

We believe that we are stronger together. These are some of the organizations we work with to make a greater impact.


CarePortal creates connections with Circles of Care around a vulnerable children in need, bringing together the family, church, and community to create a holistic, healthy approach to caring for kids. Requests submitted through CarePortal come from caseworkers at government child welfare agencies or other child-serving organizations approved by CarePortal.

NSUMC is one of the leading churches currently supporting CarePortal. Since the beginning of our partnership, NSUMC has helped to support over 100 children and their families through this important organization.

Matthew 25

Matthew 25 Ministries is a volunteer prison ministry that provides pen pals, educational scholarships, and re-entry assistance to incarcerated people in the state of Arizona.

NSUMC has continuously provided pen pals and funds to Matthew 25 Ministries throughout the past decade.

United Methodist Committee on Relief

The United Methodist Committee on Relief (UMCOR) is a ministry of the United Methodist Church to provide immediate, on-the-ground relief to communities facing disaster. Whether it’s in response to war/armed conflicts or natural weather events, UMCOR is there to provide emergency services and supplies.

NSUMC regularly supports UMCOR, providing funds and people, confident that 100% of all gifts go to directly fund projects. Most recently, the church raised $3,290 for relief efforts in and around Ukraine.